melodies of life.
C'sua Rhava.
written by Cael. MST-7.
established circa. 2021.
I write what I like and love.
If what I like and love is 'cringe' or 'wrong' to you,
then we are not friends.
Please move along.

Artist ★ Writer ★ Gamer ★ InSomnia
|☼ Leo |☾ Aries |➹ Libra |
INFP-T, 2w3
Please try to keep real-life attachment and roleplay attachment separate. I am not looking to date outside of roleplay, but roleplay dating is just fine. My character can either be polyamorus or monogamous. This means she can fall for multiple people, and know how to balance relationships or stay faithful to one person. Please note that monogamous relationships must be oocly discussed before hand, as this may effect ongoing roleplay with other people.
I am usually on FFXIV sporadically and can become distracted by real life or other activities altogether. Please understand I am not obligated to be online and real life comes first. If you would like to keep in-touch, my Discord is "caelestielle" (please no random adds).
Try to extend the same amount of effort in writing as myself. Some one-liners don't necessarily bother me unless there is nothing to bounce off of. I also understand inspiration can make or break a roleplay. If you don't feel up to writing with me, please don't force yourself to do so! I rather write with you if you are feeling the want to interact with me. And believe me, if I want to interact with you, I will try to make time for you!
I am not an elitist. Typos can happen and I certainly know I am not perfect on multiple levels. Please be cordial and don't judge me by minimal typos; I know I don't when it comes to other roleplayers. I do try to proof-read for your benefit, but sometimes my vision skips over words or doubles them, or my fingers type faster than my focused thoughts.
I am open to plotting stories or roleplaying together episodically! I personally like to plot dramatic or even dark stories, though that is never required to write with me. Romance is a guilty pleasure, but not always applicable. Please note more often than not, I prefer to discuss our character dynamics before seeking romance.
The carrd layout was created by cassiaslair, who is already linked on my profile. Any and all facts about my character is a work of fiction and is inspired by various pieces of fictional media.
Final Fantasy XIV is owned by Square Enix and any assets used belong to them.
muse name | url | status |
Freya Quinn | https://freyaquinn.carrd.co/ | main |
Carolh Yuuna | https://carolhyuuna.carrd.co/ | active |
Linca Kisne | https://linca.carrd.co/ | inactive |
Sarantuya Himaa | (work in progress) | semi-active |
Vivi-A-Fina | The Youthful Altruist | inactive |
name. | url here. | --- |
name. | url here. | --- |
name. | url here. | --- |
name. | url here. | --- |
name. | url here. | --- |

Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark,
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart.
oracle of life.

To weave by picking up the pieces that remain,
Melodies of life – love's lost refrain.
basic information. | |
name. | C'sua Rhava |
age. | 18 |
birthday. | 7 / 11 / 1560 |
gender. | female |
race. half-seeker, half-keeper; miqo'te.
astrological sign. menphina, the lover.
pronouns. she / her.
sexuality. heterosexual.
lifestyle. monogamous.
height. 5’ | 152.4 cm. | 60.0 in.
weight. 115 lbs. | 52.1 kg. | 8.2 st.
hair color. ash brown.
eye color. aether turquoise.
skin tone. fair.
notable features. eyes are star-crossed and have a glow, fluffier ears.
miscellaneous details. ribbons, white sweat-pea necklace.
job occupation. conjurer.
place of origin. Coeurl Home, Eastern Thanalan.
home. The Lavender Beds, The Black Shroud.
affiliations. Conjurer's Guild.
family. C'rhava Nuhn (father), Clerah Yuuna (mother),
Carolh Yuuna. (older half-sister/cousin), Jahna Yuuna (maternal aunt), C'rhabya Kurn (paternal aunt), unnamed half-brothers and half-sisters.
marital status. single, never married.
d&d alignment. neutral good
mbti. infp-t.
likes. flower arranging, flower pressing, making flower jewelry, learning new things, people watching.
dislikes. hot weather, being an inconvenience, being yelled at, running.
virtues. Every life is precious, no matter how small or vulnerable.
flaws. self-conscious, melancholic, fearful.
fears. causing problems for others, most things.
personality. C'sua is a melancholic young woman. Due to her upbringing, she struggles to find reason to be happy, given that her existence seems to only bring about misfortune. Believing this to be true, she often wallows in her despair and hides her feelings from others in fear of being looked down upon. Cowardly, she is quick to flee or hide in situations, fearing pain and the sight of blood. Despite this, she cares immensely for all people, believing that the planet's people deserve peace and tranquility. A lonely, yet kind heart, C'sua is quite gentle and when she is distracted from her sadness, enjoys helping others. She longs for a family and to be loved and safe from creatures known as Voidsent.
disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition that causes fear, a constant feeling of being overwhelmed and excessive worry about everyday things.
C'sua is part Keeper of the Moon and Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te from one of the Coeurl tribes of Thanalan. She did not have a good relationship with most of her tribe due to circumstances surrounding her problem of attracting creatures of the Void to their camps.Her mother died giving birth to her, her dying wish to the Nuhn of the tribe to protect C'sua. The Nuhn, C'rhava, did what he could to protect C'sua from both the Void and disgruntled tribemates. Unfortunately, the majority of the group were prepared to oust the Nuhn if C'sua wasn't exiled.Roughly around the age of 18 years, she volunteered to leave the Tribe. Packed up, she was sent on her way towards the South Shroud, forbidden to return her home amongst her people.Upon reaching Gridania, she is seen by Brother E-Sumi-Yan, sensing her high concentration of aether. The Padjal do what they can to provide support and protect C'sua, teaching her the foundations of Conjurery and the way of the Elementals.[To be revised.]
[To be written.]
headcanon one.
to be written.
headcanon two.
to be written.
headcanon three.
to be written.
headcanon four.
to be written.
headcanon five.
to be written.
headcanon six.
to be written.
memories of lightwaves.

health | ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
strength | ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
tenacity | ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
stamina | ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
intelligence | ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ |
dexterity | ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
perception | ★★★★★★★★★★ |
creativity | ★★★★★★★★★★ |
charisma | ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ |
social skills | ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
empathy | ★★★★★★★★★★ |
confidence | ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ |
NOTICE. This section is 100% WIP and will be filled out at a later date.
ability 1.
to be written.ability 2.
to be written.aether element control.
The user can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique celestial element said to flow throughout the universe and existence, and also binds the four classical elements: water, fire, earth, and air together.
to be written.
name; item.summary.
to be written.
name; item.summary.
to be written.
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
--- | --- |
physical combat.
jobs & weapons. | |
Conjurer. | name. |
White Mage. | name. |
special items.
to be written.fighting style.
to be written.
A bottle of Distilled Water,
skill 1.
to be written.skill 2.
to be written.skill 3.
to be written.
To be written.

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, then we said goodbye.

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

her next trial.
verse tag name.
write out a short synopsis about your verse. i recommend keeping it to a few sentences! basic details, all that. use the second line to link to a post or the tag archiving every post in your verse!

Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.
Melodies of Life. | Lizz Robinett, AtinPiano |
Eternity: Memory of Lightwaves. | PurpleSchala |
One More Light. | Jada Facer |
The Voice. | Celtic Woman |
Terra's Theme. | Enrico Deiana |
The Place I'll Return To Someday. | Erutan |
Can't I Even Dream? | JubyPhonic |
Face My Fears. | AmaLee |
Fly. | Hilary Duff |
Butterfly. | LOONA |
Step and a step. | NiziU |
My Sweet Heart. | AmaLee |
On A Good Day. | Above & Beyond, OceanLab |
To Know The Unknown. | Innosense |
Dream Fighter. | Perfume |
Dream. | Real Girls Project |
Nee. | Perfume |
Every Heart + Fukai Mori. | AmaLee |
Starry Eyed. | Ellie Goulding |
Radical Dreamers. | Erutan |
Gloria. | Lollia, Mikutan |
Someday. | Celtic Woman |

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.
[blog name.]
summary. summary of your character's relationship with this person here.